Event Info

Why Invest

Trade Intelligence is South Africa’s leading source of FMCG retail research, insights and training solutions, focusing on the industry’s corporate and independent retailers and wholesalers. It provides unparalleled coverage of the industry, the trends that shape it and the performance of its businesses by telling those industry stories that unlock knowledge and learning. Ti’s ultimate goal is to promote effective trading relationships between all FMCG stakeholders and upskill and inspire best talent across the industry.


Trade Intelligence has been providing insights on the South African FMCG retail sector for 20 years. To celebrate this milestone, we will be publishin... More...

Trade Intelligence | 17 Jul 2024

Featured Articles

Reaching any midpoint, whether it’s to catch ones breath on a ultra-marathon to gear up for the... More...

Smollan | 17 Jul 2024

When navigating the complex landscape of grocery retail, understanding your shoppers is paramou... More...

Trade Intelligence | 20 Jun 2024

As shoppers become increasingly time-pressured, convenience is a growing necessity, and South A... More...

Trade Intelligence | 14 Jun 2024

So much has been said and taught and celebrated about brands and consumers, but it’s South Afri... More...

Nicola Allen | Trade Intelligence | 31 May 2024



GDP  in Q1/2024
Seasonally adjusted (2015 constant prices)
2023 +0.7% YoY 

Retail Trade sales image on the Trade Intelligence website
Retail Trade Sales Growth
At 2019 constant prices
May 2024
CPI image on the Trade Intelligence website
Consumer Price Index


June 2024
Prime Interest rate on the Trade Intelligence website
Prime Interest Rate
Effective since May 2023